Thursday, February 25, 2010

Realms Website

I just bought a domain! I'll probably end up posting all Realms of Quake related articles on there. I also have another domain, though I'm not sure what I'll do with it.


Coming soon... RoQ Wiki!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Giving CSQC a Go

I've recently decided that I NEED to learn CSQC. The only problem is, it's probably the least documented programming language on the internet. I don't see how sooo many people know how to use this, with nothing but the code itself to look at for reference.

Oddly enough, I learned QC by just tinkering with it, with nearly no programming experience whatsoever beforehand. I just can't do that anymore. I need something to read. I don't have all the time in the world anymore. I'm not 11 anymore.

So, if anyone that possibly reads this could link me to some resources I may have missed, that would be amazing!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Think it's done... probably...

  • No frames on weapon model.
  • Use any model you want as a weapon.
  • 2-3 click animation. (done in another mod, "tool" mod)
  • Very fluid motion.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Visual Weapons. Done Easy!

I've started work on the animation system for Realms of Quake. I've recently made a tool-mod, currently called Vwep Framer, that lets you easily get angle and origin offsets for visual weapons... then in Realms of Quake it uses avelocity and velocity to position the weapon. I was thinking how easy it would be to do the same for visual armor, though that'd cost a lot networking side.

Basically here's what happens in Vwep Framer:
(using ingame mouse cursor)
- Place point #1 - this is for the placement (origin) of the weapon
- Place point #2 - this is for finding a forward angle
- Click the QC button and it exports the code needed to place into Realms of Quake

That's all, 3 EASY steps.

I'll post a pick of the animation tool-mod when it nears completion.